automatic start

Not long ago, I told you about some of the things you need to pay attention to when using your car in winter. Due to the lower temperatures in winter, you need to pay more attention than usual to the use of the car, especially the battery, because many people do not pay attention to the use of the car, there are a lot of battery consumption habits, so the car is used for a few years, in the winter is particularly obvious ignition, ignition is not smooth or can not be started directly, you need to replace the battery.lithium battery cell machine Changing the battery, how do you go about choosing a battery yourself? Today I want to tell you about the choice of batteries you need to pay attention to several things.

First of all, when you change the battery, if you want to use the battery for a long time, you must choose those well-known brands. Do not buy some miscellaneous brands of unknown origin, buy those brands that are widely spread on the market, whether domestic or foreign. These brands are familiar to everyone and have been tested in the market, which means the quality is still good.

Secondly, if the car does not have an automatic start and stop battery, it does not matter if these brands can be replaced at will. However, if the battery is switched, then you need to pay attention when replacing the battery, and it is best to choose those good brands that have already done the experience of automatic start and stop batteries, because compared with ordinary batteries, its start and stop batteries have a higher standard and are more stringent. If you replace the ordinary battery, it can not meet the start and stop requirements of the automatic start and stop battery, even if you turn off the automatic start and stop, it is useless, the circuit system is different, the ordinary battery can not support.

Third, some friends asked me if I can buy batteries battery manufacturers Actually it is totally possible. Go to the official flagship store of those big brands, you can get more discounts than usual if you meet the event, and as long as it's not a particularly remote place, you can install it outside your home! Especially in the same city, if the battery hangs up and can't start, it's more convenient than calling for help.

The fourth point, in the choice of battery system capacity, it is recommended that we all learn the best way to choose the same capacity as the original car battery, if there is no car allows, it is also completely different can be through the choice of a larger capacity battery, but definitely do not go to constantly reduce its battery capacity, because the enterprise if you can not unauthorized to reduce the capacity of the battery, the new battery capacity is not enough to use, with the use of you will find the problem of frequent loss of Electricity, very troublesome, and for this is also easy to influence to cause the new battery to hang up early.

how do you dispose of old batteries?battery coating Many of my friends don't realize that old batteries can actually be exchanged for new ones that can be used as cash. When you buy a battery, you can ask the store owner, because you probably won't ask, and the battery changer takes your old battery, but if you ask him, he'll give you a discount on the old-for-new price, which is about $100. It's no use for you to take your old battery alone. It not only takes up space, but it also pollutes the environment! Tell them to recycle it!

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