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Where do you place your pregnancy pillow?

Use a rolled washcloth or pillow nestled on your stomach to support your developing uterus and belly.

How are twins possible?

Treatment for infertilitybr> Some fertility medications operate by causing a woman's ovaries to release more than one egg at a time. Twins may be produced if sperm fertilizes both of these eggs. The likelihood of conceiving twins can also be increased by in vitro fertilization (IVF).

How do I have a fair child?

A baby's complexion is entirely determined by heredity. There is no meal that has been scientifically shown to make a baby fair, contrary to what some people claim. Babies with fair or pale skin lack melanin, which is essential for preventing UV damage.

Which twin was delivered first?

Who of the twins is older? The twin who is born first is the eldest. Whether twins are delivered vaginally or via C-section, the first one out of the womb is regarded as the older twin. If the other baby emerges first, this one might not be the one identified as baby A during the ultrasounds.

What occurs if you keep your sperm in your hand too long?

There is no proof that sperm blockage might be harmful or have unfavorable side effects. Sperm that hasn't been jaculated is safe for the body and doesn't accumulate. Sperm that is not expelled by ejaculation is reabsorbed by the body. Infertility or sex drive are unaffected by this.

Can you lubricate with vegetable oil?

Vegetable oil, like olive oil, isn't the best for vaginal penetration, but most people can use it as an external vaginal or anal lubrication, according to Caitlin V. According to Caitlin V, it is typically compatible with silicone, glass, and metal sex toys.

Can you lubricate chains using cooking oil?

Vegetable oil will lubricate your chain temporarily (it is oil after all), but it is not recommended in the long run. It is better left in the kitchen and will clog your powertrain more quickly than a specially formulated lubricant.

Where should WD-40 not be used?

However, avoid spraying it on the door hinges. WD-40 will certainly stop the squeaky, but it will also draw in dirt and dust. bicycle chains Dust and dirt can become stuck to a chain when using WD-40. paintball weapons The gun seals can melt with WD-40. Locks, as well as iPods and iPads.

Is WD-40 dry or wet lubricant?

The dry lubricant WD-40 Specialist® Dry Lube with PTFE prevents corrosion and keeps your equipment in good working order while repelling dirt, dust, and oil. With no greasy residue, it offers superb lubrication and durable corrosion protection.

Is WD-40 a lubricant or a degreaser?

A lubricant, specifically fish oil, is dissolved in a solvent to create WD-40. While it can partially dissolve grease and oil, it also adds some back. If you are cleaning a hinge, conveyor, or corrosive-prone item, this might be good, but not if you need it to be completely clean.

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