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Sexual life plays a very important role in the development of the joint life of husband and wife, and it is also the lubricant of the relationship between husband and wife in our country hands free vibrators. What constitutes a harmonious sex life varies from person to person, as long as both husband and wife feel satisfied, there is no need for strict standards. But for the frequency of sexual life, there is indeed a relatively comprehensive and healthy range hands free vibrators. Too much and too little are actually very unfavorable to the physical and mental health of both husband and wife. So, how often is the healthiest time for couples to have sex?

Have sex at a frequency that is comfortable for both partners

People's physical functions will gradually decline with age, and sexual function is no exception hands free vibrators. In theory, the older you get, the less frequent your sex life is.

Western scholars have an easy way to calculate the frequency of sexual activity, multiplying it by nine times the tens digit of a person's age. The 10-digit number of the result is the time, while the single-digit number is the reasonable amount of sexual encounters during that period hands free vibrators. For a 30-year-old, 3x9 = 27, or 7 times in 20 days, sex is appropriate.

Of course, the formulas are relatively rigid, and different people will adapt to different frequency of sexual life due to differences in physique, occupation, and recent mental state.

Generally speaking, as long as there is no problem between husband and wife on the second day after sex, there is no problem with physical discomfort such as mental fatigue, and the Chinese spirit is fuller, it means that the sex life is moderate hands free vibrators. Conversely, if the student feels that he is in poor spirits or even dizzy, and his appetite decreases, it may be that he has too frequent sex life.

What are the dangers of inappropriate sexual frequency?

Harm of frequent sex life: Sex life will cause a lot of physical exertion for both husband and wife hands free vibrators. If you have too much sex life, it will inevitably affect your mental state and lead to a decline in work efficiency. In addition, the frequency of sexual life is too dense, which will lead to repeated and continuous congestion of both men and women, thus inducing diseases such as prostatitis in men and gynecological diseases in women.

For couples who want to conceive, too frequent sex life will also lead to a decrease in the quality of male sperm, which is not conducive to conception.

Harm of low frequency of sexual life: If women do not have sex for too long, it may cause endocrine disorders, causing women to have symptoms such as bad skin and irregular menstruation. For men, abstinence for too long can lead to erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation when they have intercourse again.

Low frequency of sexual life is also detrimental to pregnancy preparation, because Chinese men have not ejaculated for a long time, which can lead to obstruction of sperm circulation and metabolism. Such a poor sperm vitality will also reduce the chance of conception.

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