Health tip: The benefits of a leg massage

Many women have cold hands and feet all day long. "Cold hands and feet are the root of all diseases." "Body temperature drops by 1 degree, immunity drops by 30%, and basic metabolism drops by more than 10%. "In fact, the culprit of cold hands and feet is' blood stasis'. Just like a river does not flow, the river will become muddy. outcall massage When the blood does not run smoothly, the delivery of nutrients and hormones will be hindered, the blood will not be fully delivered to the end point, and the body temperature will drop.

When the leg meridians are not smooth or there is fat, it will cause arthritis, meridians varicosity, lower limb nerve terminal necrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, palace cold dysmenorrhea, weakened kidney function, three high disease, diabetes and other chronic symptoms and improve the lack of myocardial blood supply, hong kong erotic massage cold hands and feet are directly related to the leg meridians are not smooth, so the calf meridians are very key.

There's a saying in Chinese medicine. "All cancer patients have problems with their calves." Calf meridians obstruction is not necessarily cancer, but must be psoriasis, vitiligo, ichthyosis, coercive spondylitis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, diabetes, female cold uterus, dysmenorrhea, ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids, endometrial thickness, reduced menstrual volume and other symptoms, and calf meridians obstruction has a very direct relationship.

Look for symptoms by leg pattern:

1, the lower leg abdomen is large, the ankle joint is particularly thin for a family history of diabetes symptoms, diabetes symptoms are about to appear when the lower leg will appear acid, numbness, swelling symptoms.

2, when the lower legs and ankles are thick at the same time, it indicates a family history of blood sugar symptoms.

3, In particular, thick ankle is the three major symptoms of hypertension in family history (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia).

4, When the knees and eyes of the legs grow fat, it indicates that there is a problem with the knee joint, which is generally manifested as knee pain and difficulty in going upstairs.

People who are physically and mentally healthy and sleep well every day, their calves are "warm, soft and elastic"; On the contrary, if the calf is "colder than the palm, weak, inflexible, hard, swollen to the point of failure, there is a hard lump in the muscle, there is a clear mark after the finger press", and the body does not feel good, often feels pain here, here acid, there should be a lot of heart problems, a lot of stress people.

Rub your calves for 1 minute, and many people's toes will immediately warm up, or a warm glow will rise up the back. The magic of the calf is that it allows blood to flow smoothly through the body. Because of gravity, about 70 percent of the body's blood is concentrated in the lower body. The lower leg receives the blood slowly coming from above and then resists gravity to try to send it back to the heart, working day and night. The function of the calf is very important and can be said to be the "second heart" of the human body.

Most people spend more time sitting than standing, which means they don't move enough. Or excessive exercise that affects the calves and muscle fatigue. Life pressure, love to blow air conditioning, love to drink cold drinks and other habits, will make the calf more and more weak, the body is easy to lead to the formation of related blood clots, blood vessels will become unhealthy, increasing the risk of brain infarction or heart disease.

Massage your calves every day to improve blood circulation and warm your body? As long as "massage the calf" every day, you can adjust the autonomic nervous system and greatly improve immunity! In addition to eliminating cold hands and feet and constipation in the lower legs, even if long-term low back pain can be basically eliminated with only two massages, and the tumor marker index has also decreased. Insist on massage every day, has the effect of losing weight, can make people slim and healthy, restore the luster of the skin. Children sleep on weekdays is very difficult, as long as massage the calf for 2 minutes can stabilize sleep, so massage the calf is good!

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