
Whether a home is clean and tidy will have a great impact on the occupants. Many housewives often complain that they have more energy than they need. They feel that cleaning the house is too difficult, too much work, really tired!

But does house cleaning have to be a full day's cleaning? No, it doesn't.kitchen sponge price Apart from regular cleaning, it is more important to develop good housekeeping habits to keep your rooms clean. Today, to share some good housekeeping habits and methods that need a quick look at

1. No or few items on the countertop

Randomly place one item on the table and then three or five will appear until the whole table is piled up. The best thing to do is to put nothing on the table to begin with.

The countertops will be clean and the whole room will be a whole lot cleaner. Kitchen bathroom is also our same, countertops things less and less, the easier through the cleanup, the easier can keep a clean.

2. Do a good job of cleaning in a timely manner

Even if you are busy during the day, it is not difficult to come home after work and clean the house once.

If you always ignore the daily cleaning, delayed most of the house cleaning, then over time, it is easy to have cockroaches ants flies, the smell will be very strong.

It is recommended that you clean in time before going to bed, as much as possible to complete the housework, if you are tired, you can take your time to complete, always pile up in a period of time to clean, too tired.

For example, the kitchen can be cleaned after cooking. At this time attached to the stovetop and hood grease stains have not solidified, a wipe will be clean. For the ceiling, coffee table, cabinets, countertops and other corners, every day or every two or three days, the home to wipe off the accumulation of deep dust, you will find living more comfortable.

3. Reasonable use of tools

Many people in the purchase as well as some of their so-called "net red cleaning tools" after we found that the fundamental problem is not to buy back what is called "cleaning tool", but in the home to take up space, not practical to use, thrown away but also reluctant to give up the tool! So choose the right housework tools can make things twice as easy, greatly improving efficiency!

Vacuum cleaner, mop, dishwasher and so on are very good housework assistant. Perhaps when buying these appliances, many people will find them a bit expensive, but you're missing out on how much time you can save by using the right tools! After all, time is money!

4. Regularly Disconnect

Your home is naturally clean and fresh when you don't leave unnecessary items behind.

Especially for families with children, children grow fast and things are updated quickly. Regular elimination of unnecessary, inappropriate, broken items is necessary.

First of all, clothes and shoes, do not like to wear, can not wear, can give away, can not give away to be thrown away (now every neighborhood basically have old clothes recycling box); Secondly, shopping bags can be collected into a garbage bag, folded and put together to reuse, can not be used to throw away all. Furniture and appliances do not leave any cardboard boxes, which will take up space and affect the beauty of the home. Must know how to choose, break the kind of later may need, later may need the indecisive attitude.

5. Putting things back where they belong

Develop a good habit of putting things in their place and organizing them as they go, is one of the secrets to easily maintain a tidy living and home environment, and a very important development principle through organizing and storage.

The speed of collection is much lower than the speed of clutter, one item is not enough to affect the overall situation, but gradually piled up more and more, the whole space is easy to completely clutter. Utilizing a collection and returning it to its original location is the easiest way to arrange a collection.

To smoothly return items to their original location, you must first do a good job of positioning and storing them. Keep the object in a fixed position according to habits and lines of movement so that every member of the family recognizes it, and so that when it appears in a space where it does not belong, it is immediately returned to its place.

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