Want better and better skin? These 8 maintenance tips must know!

1. Drink more water

Water is the most important part of the human body, drink more water can promote metabolism, improve blood circulation, thus avoiding the formation of dry skin and excessive spots. Drinking rose tea, in particular, doubles the effect because it is rich in vitamin C, polyphenols and a host of other antioxidants.

2. Eat right

If you want to have a good skin condition, you can also start from your diet. It is recommended to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, as these foods are rich in vitamin A, which can keep your skin healthy.

The next step is to take a moderate amount of fish, especially deep-sea fish, because one of them contains omega-3 fatty acids that the human body needs to provide, if you eat a moderate amount of some students will be able to effectively reduce the patient's inflammation, which will help the enterprise to resist bacteria.

3. Regular work and rest

Many people have the habit of staying up late, which will not only reduce the resistance of human beings, but also cause a variety of skin problems, such as spots, dark skin and so on. Staying up late is prone to endocrine disruption, which is not conducive to metabolic excretion. Therefore, female friends are reminded to go to sleep before 11:00 p.m. and sleep for 7 ~ 8 hours.

4. Do a good job of sun protection

Sun protection is the foundation of good skin condition, not only in summer, because the intensity of ultraviolet rays in other seasons is still very high. So always apply sunscreen or umbrella before going out to avoid melanin deposition on your face.

5. Serious facial cleansing

Cleaning the face is something that must be done before skincare,Mioggi Facial and only if the face is cleaned well will it be conducive to the absorption of nutrients in skincare products. So we must choose skin care products according to their own skin, especially oily skin, should choose to clean the face of strong, de-greasing.

In addition, the correct way to wash your face is to make a foam of the cleanser first, then massage in a circle for 30 seconds, and rinse off with running water.

6. Regular Exfoliation

With the passage of time in society, the face does exist dead skin, if we do not carry out timely cleaning, toner can not be absorbed, therefore, the development of recommendations through the need for everyone to use once a month is also an exfoliating scrub on the facial skin exfoliation.

7. Massage

Gently massage the face every night before going to bed, to help promote blood circulation, and then make the face appear red, white and smooth.

8. Keep a good mood

If you are in a state of depression and tension for a long time, it is easy to disrupt the endocrine system, and the skin condition will get worse and worse. On the contrary, maintaining a happy mood can unclog pores, speed up the metabolism, so that the skin can better absorb nutrients.


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